Thursday, July 5, 2007


Welcome to my travel blog.


In 2002, I left my job for a while to travel around the world. I started writing travelogues at the request of a few friends and coworkers who asked me to keep them abreast of my travels. I sent these travelogues to my mailing list which over time grew to include over 70 people. Although that initial trip around the world ended in the latter part of 2003, I continued to receive requests to keep people up-to-date on my more recent travels. Also, several people wanted to read my previous travel accounts. Since e-mail had become too clumsy, I decided to create this blog.

The first several entries in this blog will be reposts of my original travelogue e-mails. As time goes on, I will add new posts about new travels or thoughts on travel topics.

About the Original Travelogues

In the latter part of 2002, I gave up my apartment, put all of my stuff in storage, and began travelling for about a year. After a month in New Zealand and a fewer smaller trips to friends and family in North America, I embarked on a 7 month trip around the world. This trip included the South Pacific, India, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

The first travelogues for these travels started out very sketchy and didn't go into much detail about the places I went or the things I did. As time went on, the travelogues got more detailed, and then became outright long-winded. This is partly due to my laziness--I cut and pasted from my private journals. Thus, they started to be more about me and less about the places I visited. C'est la vie. Nontheless, several people commented that they enjoyed receiving these travelogues.

Note that these travelogues were mostly typed up in internet cafes or on my PDA, so there are plenty of typos, bad grammar, etc.

To accompany the travelogues, I have posted several pictures from my travels to the web. They are located at TBD The names of the folders correspond to the places in the pictures.


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